Pride in practice
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? Steal a priceless diamond? Go to the middle of Trafalgar Square and dance like, genuinely, no one is watching? When the trans community were asked the same questions, thousands of people gave the same answer: go swimming. This response offers a glimpse of how restricted the world can be when you don’t feel safe. Jacob Bayliss opens our eyes to the polar experiences he has faced as a trans man trying to access good healthcare. Now managing a social prescribing award focusing on the needs of the LGBT community, Jacob is committed to supporting healthcare professionals to feel confident when working with LGBT communities and to create services where LGBT people can be seen. Jacob currently manages Pride in Practice for the LGBT Foundation – a quality assurance and social prescribing award focusing on the health needs of the LGBT community. He has a long history of training, consulting and developing community-led initiatives to tackle health inequalities and to create meaningful change.