We know that it’s a challenging time for everyone at the moment as the coronavirus pandemic continues. There may be people joining us this evening who are experiencing food insecurity. Please know that you are not alone. Food banks are grassroots, community organisations aimed at supporting people who cannot afford the essentials in life. If you are struggling at the moment, please visit www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/find-a-foodbank and find help through your local food banks.
Here’s a list of resources mentioned by our panellists and posted in the event chat – a huge thank you to all of our attendees for your thoughtful reflections, comments and ideas!
Reading list
Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On
The NHS’s role in tackling poverty
Joseph Rowntree Foundation Annual Report: UK Poverty 2020/21
Reporting poverty: a guide for media professionals
The Shame Game: Overturning the Toxic Poverty Narrative, Mary O’Hara
Get involved and find out more…
Hunger Free Future
Food Inequalities Rebellion
Morecambe Bay Poverty Truth Commission
The Poverty Alliance’s Community Activists Action Group
Too Good To Go – Anti-Food Waste App
Olio – Sharing App
Find out more about Reena and her Mindful Medics programme here: https://drreenakotecha.com/mindful-medics/
A big thank you to Dr Reena Kotecha for the mindfulness meditation practice for episode 1 of TEDxNHS Unlocked.