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Yvonne Farquharson and Breathe AHR

Yvonne reveals how singing can help with postnatal depression.

The surprising science of singing for recovery from postnatal depression

Breathe Arts Health Research, founded by Yvonne Farquharson, have developed a groundbreaking new way to help parents recover from postnatal depression (PND). Breathe Melodies for Mums is a bespoke ten-week singing programme designed specifically to meet the needs of those experiencing low mood or anxiety after having a baby. The programme is grounded in extensive scientific research that found group singing could reduce symptoms of PND by 35% in just six weeks, as well as improving maternal self-confidence and enhancing the bond between mums and their babies.

Yvonne is joined on stage by Breathe Singing Lead, Ayozie, and 10 Breathe Melodies for Mums participants and their babies.

Yvonne is a multi award-winning social entrepreneur who develops creative, research-led programmes to improve healthcare and transform lives. Yvonne is Founder and Managing Director of Breathe Arts Health Research, a not for profit social enterprise which combines creativity and robust scientific research to improve health and wellbeing. She won the Women In Social Enterprise Award 2021 and was recognised on the WISE100 UK’s top most inspiring and influential women in social enterprise, impact investment and mission-driven business.